The kids and I went to Lake Eufala in Oklahoma. Scott was unable to go with us. So I took the kids and Allyson Roscher with me (to help supervise children). We had a lot of fun. It was quite eventful, to say the least. The kids and I stayed in my parents fifth wheel RV, which is super nice. We had two houseboats, 12 adults, 10 children (the oldest being Tyler-5), two wave runners, a party barge and two trailer/campers. WHEW! Did I mention it was quite eventful?
I'll hit the hightlights. We got to the RV trailer about 9 pm the first night. Nothing was set-up properly. I have three children crying, my car is 30 minutes away and all of their blankets are still in the car, the RV water is not working, the electricity blows a fuse, there are no sheets to put on the beds (I start covering my children with their towels to sleep on a plastic wrapped matress). I finally get the children settled, go to bed about 2 am, wake-up and we have no breakfast because it is all on the houseboats across the lake.
The next day I spend my day trying to get things set-up properly. We finally get settled, my dad comes to get us on the wave runners and the wave runners break down leaving me and my three small children sitting on rocks at dinner time for about 1 1/2 hours, until the party barge comes looking for us.
I am only recording all of this for memory sake. We really did have a good time it just seemed like EVERYTHING that could go wrong was going to go wrong. It was VERY comical. Ask Allyson. So thank you, thank you, thank you Allyson. I could not have survived it without you. The children loved it and we really enjoyed being out on the water and spending time with family. I have very few pictures because I was a little distracted from taking photos to remember things. Here are the few I did get.
This was when we were trying to get the houseboats out on the water and load all of our stuff on them. This is the only picture I have because like I said, I was a little busy after that dealing with the situations.
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